July 31, 2020 Press Releases

“Because she was born with a heart defect worries me”

July 31, 2020
Contact: Josh Marcus-Blank, josh@jeanneshaheen.org

“Because she was born with a heart defect worries me.”
– Matt McCabe, Fremont

Manchester, N.H. — Today, the Shaheen campaign is highlighting Matt McCabe’s ACA story, three years after he worked with Senator Jeanne Shaheen to stop Republicans from repealing the Affordable Care Act to save health protections for his daughter, Ellie. Matt’s daughter was born with a heart defect that will be a pre-existing condition for the rest of her life, which he discusses in today’s video, capping the week’s “Protect the #ACA” series.

“It worries me quite a bit that a lot of our elected officials are trying to repeal the ACA and take away the pre-existing conditions protections that the ACA provides,” said Matt McCabe. “Just thinking of the fact that there are some who would advocate that my daughter shouldn’t receive health care just because she was born with a heart defect worries me. And I want to support Jeanne Shaheen for always standing up and making sure that people like me and my daughter will always be covered for health care, because health care — as she knows — is a right, not a privilege.”

The video’s release comes three years after Senator Jeanne Shaheen helped lead bipartisan efforts to block Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans from repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), saving health care for 105,000 Granite Staters, including 57,000 on Medicaid Expansion, and protecting 572,000 Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions.

Trump has vowed to eliminate the ACA if re-elected and is currently suing to repeal the health care law in the courts, with full support from both of Shaheen’s potential Republican opponents. If Trump and Shaheen’s opponents succeed, they would raise health care costs and cut protections for the most vulnerable individuals and families across New Hampshire.
