July 30, 2020 Press Releases

“If this gets repealed, that would be devastating”

July 30, 2020
Contact: Josh Marcus-Blank, josh@jeanneshaheen.org

“If this gets repealed, that would be devastating”
– State Senator Kevin Cavanaugh

Manchester, N.H. — State Senator Kevin Cavanaugh is the latest Granite Stater to share why he and his family are fighting to protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and protections for the 572,000 people in New Hampshire with pre-existing conditions. In today’s video, the latest in the “Protect the #ACA” series, Senator Cavanaugh highlights his wife’s battle with cancer while advocating for New Hampshire’s health care.

“It’s affecting so many people who have been laid off or furloughed during this pandemic, and helping them to keep their health care coverage during this time,” said NH Senator Kevin Cavanaugh. “And also, to share the story of my wife, Kerri, being diagnosed with cancer five years ago, and she’s a survivor, and she’s cancer-free. But if this gets repealed, and we lose the ACA, she could lose her medical coverage, and that would be devastating. I want everyone to know how important it is that we have Senator Shaheen in Washington fighting to keep the ACA — it’s not a Democrat or Republican thing — this is about our families and our loved ones.”

The video’s release comes three years after Senator Jeanne Shaheen helped lead bipartisan efforts to block Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans from repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), saving health care for 105,000 Granite Staters, including 57,000 on Medicaid Expansion, and protecting 572,000 Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions.

Trump has vowed to eliminate the ACA if re-elected and is currently suing to repeal the health care law in the courts, with full support from both of Shaheen’s potential Republican opponents. If Trump and Shaheen’s opponents succeed, they would raise health care costs across the board and cut protections for the most vulnerable individuals and families across New Hampshire.
