September 25, 2020 Videos

NEW TV AD: Jeanne Shaheen ‘has always been a champion for women’

September 25, 2020

Jeanne Shaheen’s lifelong fight to protect survivors of domestic and sexual violence and to make a difference for women is the focus of her campaign’s newest television ad. The thirty-second ad features Grace Mattern, an advocate for survivors of sexual abuse. Grace has worked with Senator Shaheen for decades and highlights Shaheen’s landmark legislation establishing nationwide rights and protections for victims of sexual assault, for the first time, as well as her fight for equal pay, affordable childcare, and a woman’s right to choose.

As the first woman elected governor of New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen repealed a law making abortion a felony, signed legislation requiring insurance companies to cover birth control, and created a legal process for reviewing pay discrimination claims based on gender.

In the Senate, Shaheen wrote the Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights. It was signed into law in 2016 and allows survivors to enforce those rights in federal court. She authored and passed the “Shaheen Amendment” to provide women in the military who are victims of rape and incest health insurance coverage for abortion, and has fought to block efforts to cut funding for Planned Parenthood and to limit abortion access. Through her position on the Senate Appropriations Committee, she has protected and increased funding for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) to historic highs, ensuring communities can support and protect survivors of domestic and sexual violence. One of the first bills she co-sponsored was the Lily Ledbetter Fair Act to ensure all Americans are paid the same wage regardless of their age, gender, race or ethnicity.

More information is available here.