September 25, 2020 In the News

Shaheen praised as longtime ‘champion for women’ in new TV ad

By John DiStaso
September 25, 2020

‘CHAMPION FOR WOMEN.’ Jeanne Shaheen, the first woman in the U.S. to serve as a governor and a U.S. Senator, is called a “champion for women” by a domestic abuse survivors’ advocate in her latest campaign television ad.

The ad, now airing, features Grace Mattern, former 30-year executive director of the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, who says, “Jeanne Shaheen has always been a champion for women, an advocate for survivors of sexual assault.”

“I’ve worked with her for decades. It’s Jeanne’s landmark legislation that for the first time gave survivors basic rights that could be enforced in federal court. Jeanne Shaheen put the law on the side of survivors,” Mattern says.

The ad also notes Shaheen’s long-held support for equal pay for women, childcare tax credits and for reproductive rights.

“The brave survivors of domestic and sexual violence have experienced unspeakable trauma, and they face a complex and confusing legal system when seeking justice,” Shaheen said.

“Throughout my career, I have worked across the aisle to protect and empower women, pushing to establish equal pay and to ensure Granite State families can access affordable childcare, which will boost our economy in New Hampshire and across the country.

“Right now, a lot of Granite Staters are concerned about the attacks on women’s access to comprehensive reproductive health care services, and I want New Hampshire women to know I will stand with you and fight to protect our rights, no matter what.”