October 23, 2020 Videos

NEW TV AD: Jeanne Shaheen “Protecting”

October 23, 2020

In a new television ad, the Shaheen campaign contrasts Republican U.S. Senate candidate Corky Messner’s suggestion that pre-existing conditions do not exist with Jeanne Shaheen’s leadership protecting health care for Granite Staters. The ad specifically highlights Messner’s language from the first two Senate debates where he denies that more than half a million Granite Staters have pre-existing conditions. Messner would allow insurance companies to deny them coverage or raise their costs.

Messner, who supports repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), has repeatedly referred to people’s worries about losing pre-existing conditions protections as a “fear tactic” and claimed these conditions don’t exist in order to justify his attacks on the ACA. If Messner gets his way and the ACA is repealed, 572,000 Granite Staters would lose life-saving protections and 105,000 Granite Staters, including 57,000 on Medicaid Expansion, would immediately be kicked off their health care.

More information is available here.