July 8, 2020 Press Releases

Shaheen Endorsed by LCV & NWF, Highlights Urgent Need to Combat Climate Change

July 8, 2020
Contact: Josh Marcus-Blank, josh@jeanneshaheen.org

Concord, N.H. — Jeanne Shaheen joined climate activists and environmental leaders from across New Hampshire today to discuss how Granite Staters can combat climate change. Shaheen was endorsed for re-election by the League of Conservation Voters and the National Wildlife Federation Action Fund during the roundtable conversation at Throwback Brewery in North Hampton, a local business that prioritizes renewable energy. Shaheen highlighted the importance of New Hampshire’s environment to the local economy, noting that it fuels the region’s tourism and recreation industries. She added that environmental protections and green energy jobs will be critical in rebuilding the Granite State’s economy.

Endorsement event

“Combating the climate crisis should be an urgent fight for everyone across New Hampshire and the country, and we cannot wait to take action to protect our environment,” said Senator Shaheen. “Right now, that’s exactly what I’m working to do. I’m leading legislation to force the Trump administration to meet the climate standards set by the Paris Climate Accord. To make progress on energy policy, I have written and passed bipartisan energy efficiency legislation that protects our environment by reducing harmful emissions while saving billions of dollars for American families in energy costs. New Hampshire’s lands and natural beauty are so important to our local economy and tourism, and we must invest in safeguarding our land and water in order to rebuild and protect our state’s economic future.”

“Senator Shaheen has been a strong advocate for protecting New Hampshire’s environment throughout her time in public life, from protecting the Great Bay to leading the fight to permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) with the recent passage of the Great American Outdoors Act,” said Rob Werner, New Hampshire State Director of the League of Conservation Voters, in their endorsement statement. “Jeanne Shaheen is a climate action leader, working to recommit the United States to the Paris Climate Accord and improve energy efficiency standards. New Hampshire and the nation need Senator Shaheen’s proven leadership in the U.S Senate to continue.”

“Senator Shaheen is a fierce and unwavering ally of wildlife and our outdoor heritage. At a time when Washington is broken, she repeatedly summons her unique ability to reach across the aisle and bring her colleagues together to restore wildlife habitat, crack down on illegal wildlife trafficking, expand outdoor recreation, and defend critical public health and environmental protections,” said Collin O’Mara, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation Action Fund, in their endorsement statement. “Most recently, Senator Shaheen’s common-sense bipartisanship helped forge the Senate’s historic passage of the Great American Outdoors Act, which will permanently and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund and restore crumbling infrastructure in our national parks, wildlife refuges, national forests, and other public lands. Senator Shaheen is also a clarion voice on the need to confront existential threat of climate change, fighting to ensure that the United States does not abandon its irreplaceable leadership role globally, while advancing bipartisan solutions to reduce emissions through energy efficiency, clean energy, and natural solutions.”

The first woman in U.S. history to be elected both Governor and U.S. Senator, Jeanne Shaheen is a champion of our environment and has fought climate change, which threatens the natural beauty and economy of New Hampshire. Jeanne is leading legislation in Congress to direct the Trump administration to meet the standards set by the Paris Climate Agreement, and spearheaded efforts to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which helps preserve New Hampshire’s wildlife habitats and outdoor recreation areas that bring an estimated $8.7 billion from tourism to the state each year. As Governor, she took on the big utility companies to cut energy bills and encourage clean energy, and enacted landmark legislation requiring fossil fuel plants to reduce emissions of new pollutants, making New Hampshire the first state to do so.

Endorsement event

For more information, please visit www.JeanneShaheen.org. For photos of the event and the audio recording, email press@jeanneshaheen.org.
