October 20, 2020 Press Releases

FACT CHECK: Messner’s Economic Policies Benefit Big Corporations, Not NH

October 20, 2020
Contact: Ally Livingston, alivingston@jeanneshaheen.org

At today’s debate, Republican U.S. Senate candidate “Colorado Corky” Messner lied about Jeanne Shaheen’s record of creating jobs and making a difference for New Hampshire’s economy.

Jeanne Shaheen voted for the biggest middle class tax cut in American history, and has been praised by Republicans and Democrats for delivering small business relief during the pandemic, and for strengthening New Hampshire’s economy.

Messner has embraced tax proposals that favor the wealthiest corporations over NH.

  • FACT: Messner supports making Trump’s corporate tax scheme permanent, favoring trillions in additional giveaways to billionaires, Wall Street, big oil and the insurance and pharmaceutical companies that are ripping off Granite Staters while the middle class gets left behind. [Eagle Tribune, 10/11/19]

  • FACT: During COVID-19 relief negotiations, Messner favored proposals with huge bailouts for the oil industry and other corporations, but that didn’t include any hospital funding or state aid for New Hampshire. [WMUR, 3/24/20]

  • FACT: Messner and his law firm, Messner Reeves, actively hurt American businesses by representing the Chinese government to sue an American manufacturer. [AP, 10/6/20]
